Osoyoos radio personality Brock Jackson (EZ Rock) interviewed Osoyoos Mayor Sue McKortoff this morning about the town’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Check out the audio link to Brock’s interview below and follow his broadcasts.
Researched, Curated, Fact-Checked Covid-19 Information for Osoyoos, BC, Neighbours and Neighbors
Osoyoos radio personality Brock Jackson (EZ Rock) interviewed Osoyoos Mayor Sue McKortoff this morning about the town’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Check out the audio link to Brock’s interview below and follow his broadcasts.
Loneliness is itself a serious health issue. With social distancing and other measures, it’s going to get worse.
It’s especially a problem for seniors living on their own. Loneliness contributes to mental anxiety, but it also affects your physical health. Some research suggests loneliness can be as damaging to health as smoking and is more predictive of mortality than obesity.
Volunteering, if you are able, is a great way to stay connected with others, and volunteers are going to be needed. Those who are housebound and lonely are encouraged to swallow their pride and reach out to others for comfort and contact.
It may be as simple as identifying a person living on their own who can’t get out and phoning them regularly. Continue reading “Loneliness is also a pandemic, and it’s going to become more of a challenge”
These dos and don’ts on social distancing come from Dr. Theresa Tam, chief public health officer with the Public Health Agency of Canada:
The current pandemic will for many people cause anxiety, depression and other reactions. It’s as important to maintain mental health as physical health.
This article, Covid-19 and Anxiety, from Canadian Mental Health Association, BC Division, provides important information about preserving your mental and physical health. The article was posted by HereToHelp which has other information on mental health and substance abuse.
The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) also has a page on Covid-19 on their website.
If you are experiencing symptoms, DO NOT drop into your doctor’s office or the hospital emergency department unannounced!
Use the online Self-Assessment Tool to determine whether you need further testing or medical assistance.
Interior Health Authority provides this advice:
Reported signs and symptoms include: fever, new cough, and difficulty breathing. If you think you have the symptoms of COVID-19, please stay at home and call 8-1-1, or your family doctor/nurse practitioner. People without symptoms, or those with mild symptoms who can be managed at home, should not be tested. The exception is health-care workers with COVID-19 infection who have recovered and require a negative test prior to returning to work.
Testing will occur by appointment for people who have been referred by their primary care provider or an 8-1-1 nurse.
If you have health concerns, call HealthLink BC at 8-1-1.
Sage Hill Law in Oliver has set up a buddy system for Oliver and area (including Osoyoos).
People register either to be a helper or be helped. The helper checks in regularly while practicing social distancing. If needed, the helper may do things like pick up groceries — delivering them in a safe manner.
For more information and to register as either a helper or someone helped, visit their website.
See also the story in the Osoyoos Times by Lyonel Doherty of the Oliver Chronicle.
Local businesses are working hard to adapt their operations to the new reality of the pandemic. In some cases, this means closing down. Others are limiting their hours or are adapting to options like take-out instead of sit-down eating. Continue reading “Business updates – some are closing, others changing their service”
This news category provides major announcements from public health and other authorities as well as new information from experts.
For links to websites of these authorities where you can get much more information updated regularly, please visit the Osoyoos Persists Public Health Authorities and Experts page.
Groups in the community are organizing to help make life easier for those who need assistance. This news category will provide information on new announcements.
Information is often first posted on Osoyoos Loop, so check there.
Keeping in mind all the health advice on preventing spread of the virus, here are some of the services that are likely to be in demand:
Watch for announcements.
This news category called Life Goes On will provide ideas for safely carrying on your life.